August 2, 2004
Dear A/Deputy Health Minister:
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the meeting held in July prior to the meeting with the Premiers and Health Ministers in Ontario.
We are very appreciative that a meeting was scheduled as soon as possible to identify and outline the many areas of health care concerns we have, especially on sustainability.
The opportunity for us to present vital information to you, the Premier and the Health Minister will benefit the people of Nova Scotia. We will continue to provide as much support and input to you for the upcoming meeting between the Premiers and the Prime Minister in September.
We would like to reiteriate again the need and importance of masses bed openings across this province as the ONLY truly means of addressing the many wait lists and for giving us Citizen's the fastest access to health care either through emergency rooms, life saving operations, elected surgery, hip/knee replacements or what-have-you. Beds are what Nova Scotians are most concerned with as well as the ER doctors (see our attachment). Shutting down ORs, emergency rooms or closing beds to save money is not supplying the best and fastest care.
Please, look at the statistics of the outcomes since 2000 beds and staff were lost in this province over the past ten years, extreme wait times. Unacceptable!
Again, thank you for the opportunity to meet and discuss key issues on health care. We look forward to our meeting with the Premier in September.
Sincerely yours,
Debbie L. Kelly, Chairperson
Nova Scotia Citizens' Health Care Network
455-9164, fax 455-0400
cc: Network Organizations
NDP Health Critic
Liberal Health Critic
From: Deb
Sent: Monday, July 05, 2004 1:11 PM
Subject: Urgent Meeting Request with the Premier and the Minister of Health
July 5, 2004
Premier John Hamm
Hon. Minister of Health Angus MacIsaac
Halifax, NS.
Dear Premier and Hon. Minister:
Prior to the Premier's Conference on July 27,28,29 & 30 at Niagara-on-the-Lake, it is urgent for the Network to meet with you on the SUSTAINABILITY of our publicly delivered health care.
We strongly believe that our provincial government must make a public commitment that you are against privatization. A meeting to discuss this very important issue is imperative, especially since the results of the federal election. This is a time when provinces can actively see progress in long term stable funding for health care and you will need the support of our Network as well as other organizations.
We can make ourselves available anytime to meet your schedule, but meet we must. Please contact me to set a time and date. We anxiously await your admistrative assistant's call.
Thank you
Debbie L. Kelly, Chairperson
Nova Scotia Citizens' Health Care Network
CC: Dave Wilson, Liberal Health Critic
Maureen MacDonald, NDP Health Critic
Network Organizations
(902) 455-9164, fax 455-0400